WANT. How many times have you heard someone say this in a day? Better yet, how many times have you said it? According to Websters Dictionary, "want" is :
1 : to be needy or destitute
2 : to have or feel need <never wants for friends>
3 : to be necessary or needed
4 : to fail to possess especially in customary or required amount : lack
So, why would you choose to say this on a daily basis? Perhaps it's caused from old patterns, or possibly a "lack" of knowing, or understanding. When we learn to embrace all that we have and understand how to use what that is, there will be a greater desire to "BE" and not "want." As you grow and search out new ideas, challenges and wisdom with ENSELE, you will begin to say "I HAVE" more often than "I Want." Perhaps you already "HAVE" more than you know.
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